Treet Corporation’s Foreign Subsidiary Officially Incorporates in UAE

Treet Corporation Limited’s (PSX: TREET) foreign subsidiary Treet Trading LLC has been successfully incorporated with the Department of Economy and Tourism, Mainland, UAE.

“This strategic move is part of the Company’s ongoing efforts to expand its business operations and explore new market opportunities in the international arena. The establishment of Treet Trading LLC will enable us to enhance our market presence in the Middle East and leverage the business-friendly environment of Dubai,” the company said in a stock filing on Wednesday.

Earlier this month, TREET announced the establishment of its wholly-owned subsidiary in the Dubai Economic Development Zone (DED), Mainland, UAE.

The company also announced an initial capital injection of USD 100,000 for the issuance of 100,000 shares at USD 1 each.

The principal activity of the Company is to manufacture and sell razors and razor blades along with other trading activities.

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