10th Grader Jumps From Private School Building After Failing a Test

About time we begin prioritizing mental health over good grades.

Suicide Rawalpindi
Image Source: Behance

Cases of attempted suicide have shown a sharp spike in recent times. What is more alarming is that these suicide cases have become more rampant among the youth. About a week ago, reports of a man who committed suicide after killing his disabled daughter clogged the internet. But the question of concern is; when will the authorities take notice?

Another case of attempted suicide

Another boy named Mateen, whose education and learning was affected by the extended lockdown, attempted suicide in Rawalpindi. Reportedly, the boy had failed a test on the first day of school after lockdown. Devastated by his results, the boy jumped from the 3rd floor of his private school.

Following the incident, Rescue 1122 was contacted and their rescue team responded immediately with first aid. The injured student was then taken to Benazir Bhutto General Hospital. According to the doctors there, the boy survived the fall but has sustained serious injuries.

In addition to this, doctors also suspect that his injuries may lead to paralysis. However, with proper treatment and medication, doctors might be able to prevent it.

On the other hand, Morgah police sources said that a detailed investigation will be carried out. Masses are deeply saddened by the incident. And questions are being raised about the causes that led to such extreme measures being taken.

It could be a case of bullying or harassment or excessive pressure by a teacher.


When will authorities take mental health seriously?

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about a student committing suicide. Last year, a student of Karachi University committed suicide over harassment. Before that, a female student from Bahria University ‘accidentally‘ fell from the 4th floor of her school.

Precious lives are being lost left, right, and center. If these cases aren’t enough for the authorities to take serious actions, then what is? We hope Mateen, the 10th grader, is provided with proper treatment and care.


Via Express Tribune


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