Comedian Dave Chappelle Slams Israel for War Crimes in Gaza

The outspoken comedian destroyed pro-Israeli hecklers forcing them to walkout while crowd cheered “Free Palestine.”

Comedian Dave Chappelle destroyed pro-Israeli hecklers at the TD Garden Arena in Boston after condemning Israel’s bombing of Gaza.

The outspoken stand-up comedian addressed the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict, sparking both cheers and jeers from the audience and even prompting some to leave the venue.

During his routine, Chappelle didn’t shy away from sharing his views on the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

The comedian criticized Israel’s actions in Gaza, particularly condemning their bombings. He also called out the United States government for aiding Israel in committing these heinous war crimes on innocent civilians.

Chappelle’s commentary didn’t stop at international politics. He went on to critique the Israeli government for its role in cutting off essential supplies to Gaza’s population and blocking humanitarian aid. The comedian concluded his remarks by asserting that “two wrongs don’t make a right.”

The controversial moment unfolded when Chappelle touched upon the issue of students getting fired from their jobs due to their support for Palestinians. In response to a pro-Israeli audience member’s told the comedian to “shut the F up,” Chappelle reacted emotionally, taking the opportunity to further criticize the Israeli government.

He highlighted the reported restrictions on water and other vital resources to Gaza and accused Israel of causing harm to innocent people, as recounted by those present.

Chappelle’s statements had the crowd enthusiastically cheering him on, shouting “Free Palestine” while, on the other side, several pro-Israeli audiences walked out of the event.