Nadia Afgan Applauds Sunita Marshall’s Graceful Response in Nadir Ali Podcast

The veteran actress called Nadir Ali an idiot.

Actress Nadia Afgan is disgusted by podcast host Nadir Ali for his candid interview with model Sunita Marshall.

Nadia praised fellow actress Sunita Marshall, a Christian, for being dignified and graceful as she openly discussed her and her family’s differing religious beliefs, shedding light on whether these disparities have caused any conflicts with her Muslim in-laws.

Nadia Afgan took to her social media platform to applaud Marshall’s composed demeanor and comment on the host’s choice of behavior, calling Nadir Ali an idiot.

Impressed by Sunita Marshall’s poise in the face of what she described as “disgraceful” questioning, Nadia Afgan shared a snippet of the interview on her Instagram story. Alongside the clip, she wrote, “So proud of you [Sunita Marshall] for handling this downright disgraceful line of questioning, so gracefully.”

Nadia Afgan didn’t miss the opportunity to offer a tongue-in-cheek comment about Nadir Ali, saying,

As for Nadir Ali, this incident has certainly shed light on the existence of a village of individuals with questionable judgment, and it appears their population is flourishing.

Sunita Marshall, who identifies as a Christian, revealed that her children are Muslim. She also emphasized that she has no intention of converting to Islam and highlighted that neither her in-laws nor Hassan Ahmed have ever pressured her to do so.

Sunita expressed that she would only consider converting if she feels an inner conviction to do so. Marshall’s candid and dignified responses have further sparked conversations about respecting individual beliefs and the importance of tolerance and understanding in a diverse society.

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  1. I just loooove Nadia Afghan. She is so very sensible with her responses. Well handled interview by Sunita too.

  2. I was really thinking this country is going where in which direction. People are stuck in such topics icky as women are doing and achieved so much but this bunch of People idiot Nadia have used a small word due to respect of platform but yes Suita is a person , human for which she is adored, and known for not from the school of thoughts coming thought.
    Such a utter nonmember nonsense.
