Seema Who Ran Off to Indian PUBG Friend Offered Role in Bollywood Film

Amit Jani offers her a role amid spy allegations.

The love story of Pakistani woman Seema Haider and Uttar Pradesh man Sachin Meena has made headlines over the last month. The latest update on her controversial life says that the lady has received a film offer from Bollywood producer Amit Jani. His newly established film production house ‘Jaani Fire Fox’ has offered Seema and Sachin some roles in his upcoming film titled ‘A Tailor Murder Story.

According to the reports, the Mumbai-based producer said that he would visit Seema personally and give her a cheque in advance if she agrees to work with him.

In a viral video on social media Amit Jani is seen saying that he has given the offer considering the financial condition of Seema Haider and Sachin. They had told news agencies that because of the ongoing investigation against them both for allegations of being spies, they have not been able to find any work, causing extreme financial strain on their family.

Amit Jani with Indian Poet

For the unversed, the woman illegally entered India via Nepal to live with her Indian lover Sachin who is a Noida resident – whom she met while playing the PUBG online. Seema and Sachin were arrested by the authorities for an illegal stay in India on 4 July and later granted bail by a local court three days later.

Since then, the Pakistani Bhabhi has been grabbing media headlines and has given numerous interviews to TV news channels dismissing claims of being a ‘Pakistani spy’.