US Diplomats From Cuba Discover Their Brains Have Mysteriously Changed!

So Cuba can do worse than the ‘Florida man effect’?


Some 40 United States diplomats underwent mysterious changes in Cuba, at least their brains did (we can explain, and no it wasn’t due to a fastball to the head).

According to the diplomats’ brain scans, Cuba changed them (maybe because it’s not cuz of love but aliens?). Their brain scans were compared to those in a control group, further confirming their suspicions.

The findings came up when researchers analyzed brain scans from the US diplomats and the control group (you see this too right?).

Brain Scans Get Studied

The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and led by professors at the University of Pennsylvania.

While the study does point out a difference, it does not draw any conclusions about the cause of the symptoms (perhaps this is why we need to raid Area 51?).

All this is rather recent as the diplomats were used in the study between late 2016 into May 2018.


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A professor of radiology at UPenn and co-author of the study, Ragini Verma says something just doesn’t sit right (or fit right, if you’re a Sherlock fan).

She did reveal that ‘whatever happened was not due to a pre-existing condition‘, because they actually had tests for that (maybe they’re Skrulls!).

“MRIs confirm that something happened to the brains of these people,….It’s not imagined. All I can say is that there is a truth to be found.”

How it Started in Cuba

Of course, no one just rounds up US diplomats in Cuba (that would mean say goodnight to Batman) for a study.

It all started when diplomats posted in Havana (too many cigars will do that) and some of their family members suffered unexplained symptoms. These symptoms ranging from poor balance and vertigo to lack of coordination, unusual eye movements, anxiety (sounds like AMS without the snow) from late 2016.

These symptoms were collectively called a “cognitive fog” (literally a bad trip).

Most of the diplomatic personnel returned home in September 2017. While some recovered and returned to work, others are still undergoing rehab. 14 Canadian citizens were also affected.


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The US government never publicly explained the cause of the ‘mysterious illnesses‘ (perhaps they do not know better?). The US media for its part, alleged that these diplomats were hit by an ‘acoustic weapon’ attack (like Justin Bieber’s Baby?), but had no definite proof.

MRI scans from 44 diplomats and family members were compared with scans from 48 subjects in two control groups. Differences were seen in their brain’s white matter as well as the cerebellum. Maybe their brains are home to a little friend, perhaps a little green man?

Ragini Verma said it was vital to follow the affected overtime ‘to see whether these changes evolve or change.’


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Cuba Rejects Allegations

Cuba denied the allegations of an ‘acoustic weapons‘ attack. They also rejected the study that they have done something to the brains of US diplomats.

Head of the Neuroscience Center of Cuba, Mitchell Valdes-Sosa said UPenn’s study ‘does not allow clear and final scientific conclusions to be reached‘.

“The study does not show, contrary to what has been speculated… that the group of diplomats suffered brain damage during their stay in Cuba.”

A senior foreign ministry official in charge of US affairs, Johana Tablada urged the White House to stop calling it an attack with no proof.

She urged the US not to use the issue ‘as a pretext to impose increasingly aggressive new sanctions‘ against the Cuban people.