iPhones Dominate The Best Selling Smartphones of 2021

Looks like Apple’s iPhones are dominating the smartphone market once again. According to a new report by Counterpoint Research, iPhones dominated 2021’s best-selling smartphones chart by securing the top 7 positions. The research shared that iPhone 12 was the best-selling smartphone of 2021, sitting at the first position.

While the iPhone 12 Pro Max stood at the second position, accounting for 2.2 percent of global smartphone sales in 2021. In the third position, we saw the vanilla iPhone 13 with a 2.1 percent share in global sales, and iPhone 12 Pro got the fourth position with around 2.1 percent share. Closing out the top five was the iPhone 11, which still seems to be going strong despite now being two generations old.

Furthermore, Apple’s recent 1.39 billion estimated smartphone sales report shared that the Cupertino giant sold around 40 million units of iPhone 12 models, and around 30 million units of the iPhone 12 Pro Max. While other models on the list like iPhone 13, 12 Pro, and 11 models recorded sales somewhere around 27 and 29 million units each.

The report further shared, that iPhone SE 2020 also remained in high demand for customers, accounting for a 1.6 percent share of the total smartphone sales in 2021. However, given that Apple has just launched iPhone SE 2022, we are yet to see where it gets placed on the chart in 2022.

The other two companies making it to the top 10 were Samsung and Xiaomi, with the Galaxy A12 claiming the number six spot followed by the Redmi 9A while Redmi 9 got placed at 10th.

However, similar to last year, the list did not feature any Samsung high-end devices but rather the budget-oriented Galaxy A12.

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