Police College’s Deputy Commandant Suspended Following Recruit’s Suicide

The Deputy Commandant of the Police Training College in Hangu was suspended on Sunday, following the suicide of a recruit. The recruit was being punished for arriving late, despite being sick.

In response to the distressing event, provincial police chief Akhtar Hayat took action. He ordered the suspension of Deputy Commandant Shah Mumtaz. He appointed Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Sher Akbar Khan of Kohat division as the inquiry officer to investigate the circumstances leading to the recruit’s death.

The inquiry officer will expedite the investigation and ascertain the reasons behind subjecting an ailing recruit to punishment. The goal is to determine what might have driven the recruit to take such a drastic step.

The incident has triggered outrage among the college’s recruits. Despite being unwell, they allege that he was denied reprieve from additional drills for three days. His lateness was attributed to his journey from Waziristan to the college. 

Protestors demand justice for the deceased recruit and call for legal action against several officials, including the moharrar, chief drill inspector, reserve inspector, and line officer. These officials are accused of being the training college’s primary decision-makers and preventing grievances from reaching higher authorities.

The protesters have voiced concerns about the alleged inhumane punishments meted out by these officials. As the investigation unfolds, tensions continue to rise, prompting a spotlight on the need for reform within the institution and a push for transparency and accountability in the treatment of recruits.

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