Military’s Top Brass Vows to Assist Govt in Curbing Illegal Activities Hampering Economic Growth

The military’s top brass Thursday expressed its resolve to wholeheartedly assist the government in curbing all illegal activities that hamper economic stability, growth, and investors’ confidence.

The resolve was expressed at the 259th Corps Commanders’ Conference (CCC) held at GHQ, presided over by Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir, according to a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

The statement further said that the forum reiterated to continue full support of ongoing efforts in uplifting socioeconomic growth under the umbrella of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC).

“The need for speedy development of the economic potential of Newly Merged Districts (NMDs) and Border Districts of Balochistan for sustainable peace and growth was also emphasized,” the statement added.

The Army Chief recently held meetings with top business leaders of the country in Karachi and Lahore and assured that money exchanges will be taxed to promote transparency in US Dollar exchange and interbank rates.

He further emphasized the role of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC), in its potential to attract investments of up to $100 billion from countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, and others.

Earlier in August, the COAS reaffirmed the Pakistan Army’s all-out support to the caretaker government for continuity of policies in a bid to revive the country’s economy and steer Pakistan towards progress and prosperity.

  • Derailing democratically elected governments is also an illegal act. So Army should investigate that who is derailing Political governments. Also selecting Corrupt politicians and promoting corrupt politicians to reach top posts is corruption. Army should investigate that how come Corrupt politicians are introduced and who is supporting such politicians. Also developing housing societies on Rice fields in Gujrawnala and on Magno farms in Multan is an illegal act. This should be investigated as well.

  • DHA is a multi billion Dollar company. It is exempted from all taxes as it is registered as a Foundation. Similarly Army welfare trust and Fauji foundation is exempted from Taxes. Not only that NLC (National Logistics Cell, FWO and so many Army controlled businesses are not paying any taxes. Where the profits are going and how come such multi billion dollar ventures are not paying any taxes?

    Clean your own house first and then start lecturing Civilians about it.

  • Most of the Generals in the above Picture will leave Pakistan as soon as they will retire. So why take them seriously?. How come they can plan long term when they will eventually leave this country?.

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