Telegram has ended 2023 with a fresh new update for its messaging app that marks its 10th and last update for the year. The newest version of Telegram brings a redesigned calling interface with more colors, a new effect for deleting messages, and a massive update to Telegram bots.
Calling UI Update
Telegram calls now have dynamic backgrounds that change based on the ongoing call’s status, ringing, active, or ended. It’s not just a change of colors, there are different backgrounds for the call too. The new UI uses less system resources, which improves battery life and works better on older devices.
Here is what it looks like.
Other than that, Telegram has also made improvements to call quality, and more connection and audio quality-related updates are on the way. As always, there are hundreds of bug fixes as well and Telegram reminds users that its calls are secured by end-to-end encryption on every platform.
Thanos Snap Effect
Albeit a small update, Telegram has added a visual change to deleting messages. Now when you delete a message, it will look like the iconic Thanos snap from Marvel’s Avengers movies. This update comes shortly after Telegram added a vaporized animation for automatically deleted messages on iOS.
Massive Bot Update
Telegram bots already allow users to include chatbots in any conversation as well as entire mini-apps that replace the need for websites. The chatting app is now granting bots the ability to react to messages, manage reactions, quotes, and links, send replies to other chats, and topics, and much more.
Bots are also capable of gaining information about giveaways and boosts in channels if they are admins.
The update also includes several other changes but Telegram will announce them throughout January. The new version is available for download for both Android as well as iOS.
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