Pakistan, China to Boost Pace of CPEC Projects

Pakistan and China are considering accelerating the pace of work on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), high-level sources told ProPakistani.

The 13th Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) meeting will be held tomorrow via video link. The Pakistani delegation will be led by Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal, while the Chinese delegation will be headed by the Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

The meeting will be jointly chaired by both officials.

Key projects from CPEC-II will be discussed during the JCC meeting, focusing on communication, security, and infrastructure. Discussions will also cover energy, economic development, and agriculture projects. Sources said the security of Chinese engineers and workers in Pakistan will be discussed, with a briefing on the measures taken to ensure their safety.

Sources added an agreement on the mineral corridor is likely to be finalized tomorrow while a formal timeline for the launch of ML-1 Railway Project will be established. Additionally, the minerals sub-working groups will meet with Chinese authorities to discuss Mineral Corridor projects.

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