OGDCL to Explore Geothermal Potential in 25 Fields

Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) has developed a strategy for exploiting geothermal resources in 25 oil and gas fields across Pakistan.

In this regard, the oil and gas exploring and production company will carry out a pilot project includes screening, evaluation and selection of nine fields for detailed analysis, evaluation of geothermal potential, wellbore modeling and determination of next steps.

OGDCL will onboard a global technology company, SLB, to develop a plan for evaluation of the geothermal potential of 25 fields in the North, South, and Central basins in Pakistan that have been pre-selected by OGDCL.

SLB experts together with the OGDCL team will assess surface, subsurface, and well data for the fields to identify focus areas and estimate their geothermal potential using regional models and well-productivity calculations. Geothermal energy is thermal energy extracted from the earth’s crust. It combines energy from the formation of the planet and from radioactive decay. Geothermal energy has been exploited as a source of heat and/or electric power for millennia.

OGDCL is committed to exploring innovative avenues for energy development in Pakistan, and our collaboration with SLB marks a significant step towards harnessing the country’s geothermal potential. By leveraging SLB’s expertise and technology, we aim to not only evaluate the potential of geothermal resources but also contribute to sustainable energy solutions for the nation,” said Ahmed Hayat Lak, MD/CEO of OGDCL.

Governments across the region are seeing the potential of geothermal as an alternative clean energy source that can support their net-zero initiatives,” said Karim Badawi, SLB’s New Energy Development Director for MENA.

“This geothermal pilot project study encompassing fields across the country’s three basins is an important first step in Pakistan’s journey to develop its geothermal resources and we are excited to work with OGDCL on exploring renewable, lower carbon energy sources.”

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