Junaid Akram Reveals How You Can Become a YouTube Star Like Him [Video]

Don’t wait for an expensive drone and camera!

With this whole trend of master-classes, even comedian Junaid Akram got on board. The emerging YouTuber said that if you really want to become a popular YouTube personality one day, the key is to dive right in.

“Everyone needs to cross the ‘log kia kahengay’ line and then they will be at peace,”

Junaid Akram has experienced more than most of us will hear about in a lifetime. The comedian opened up about his journey from waiting tables in the United Arab Emirates to his hit track ‘Khalli Karao‘.


The stand-up comedian advised emerging vloggers to just dive in and not look back. He even added that they should just start with their phone and not wait around for the right time and equipment.

“My advice for vloggers would be to just go for it and don’t stop!”


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He even shared his story of how he started making Facebook videos when he lost his job. All he had was his phone and he made do with that.

“Don’t wait for things to happen or wait for an expensive drone and camera, just start with your phone and take a leap of faith”

Akram used to make videos inside his car on any topic and uploaded it through the free WiFi of any nearby restaurant.

“There came a point when I realized that I can make a living out of YouTube. It was then only that I left my job.”



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On the subject of making adjustments, Junaid told YouTubers to do what their heart says.

“Always value feedback, but do what your heart says.”

He did not undermine the value of feedback and the need to improve though. He said content creators need to get know their audience and make changes accordingly.

“It good to take feedback in the start, however, later just do what you want and what your heart says.”

Junaid Akram Outlines His Struggles as a Comedian

The YouTuber shared his struggles as a comedian.  He even talked about success and failure in Pakistan’s stand-up comedy scene, and his future aspirations and dreams.

He started off waiting tables trying to getting a job in the UAE. Along the way, he lost his house, car, job and everything else.

That’s when he started creating content for YouTube as a part-time gig while working in the UAE. He then started making YouTube videos to gain a larger audience.

“After two years, there was a major crunch in my life, I lost my job, house and everything else, … For a few weeks, I had no job and used to feel like a loser when I used to open LinkedIn and see my friends achieving milestones.”


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The positivity his Facebook videos brought in was the only thing that kept him going. After all this struggle now all Junaid Akram cares about are the little things. He’s just concerned with making enough money to get the month going.

“I never used to pray that I want a luxurious car or loads of money, I used to pray that Allah makes me a channel to do good for other.”

via Samaa Digital


  1. Inspiring blog. I can now start making youtube videos right from my phone. A channel that I require.
