Pakistan’s Petroleum Production Increases by 15%

In the first four months of the fiscal year 2017-2018, petroleum production has scaled up to more than 15%. To be accurate, POL production went all the way up to 15.06pc from July 17 to October 17 as per the latest report issued by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

According to reports, High-Speed Diesel production increased to 16.23pc. The only POL products that declined in production were jet fuel and lubricants.

Jet fuel went all the way down to 4pc whereas lubricating oil production decreased by approx. 10.5pc.

Recently, every airline flying from Lahore and Islamabad were directed by the CAA to carry extra fuel on board when flying due to the shortage of jet fuel.

A senior official at the petroleum division said:

When a Refinery operates, it produces the whole range of products, from LPG, petrol, kerosene, diesel, Jet Fuels (JP-1 and JP-8) and residual furnace oil (RFO). With RFO not being used, storages have filled up, forcing the refineries to reduce throughput to the bare minimum.

Critically needed volumes of Jet Fuel (JP-1 for the airports and JP-8 for the Air Force) are already under threat.

But when comparing to the production of POL products of 2017 to 2016, an increase of 21.6pc was recorded in a month on month basis (Oct-16 vs Oct-17).


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