Top Microsoft Excel Experts to Compete in an Esports-like Tournament

Forget Overwatch or League of Legends. There is a new esports tournament in town and it has nothing to do with video games.

The Financial Modeling World Cup (FMWC) is taking place this weekend where Microsoft Excel experts will compete with each other in an esports-like tournament. The participants will compete for prize money of $10,000 which is funded entirely by Microsoft. The finals will be broadcast live on ESPN3 as well as YouTube.

The FMWC tournament has 128 participants from different regions of the world including Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and more. Qualifications started in November this year and moved to different stages up until today. The tournament will be wrapped up today on December 11. Prior sessions were pre-recorded, but the finals will be broadcast live online.

The FMWC is nothing new as it takes place every year around the same time. It puts the world’s finest financial modelers against each other and there is even a ranking system based on the points earned by each participant. Only the members with the most points make it to the end of the tournament.

The event even introduced participants in esports like fashion and there was collaborative commentary from known community members. You can watch the FMWC finals yourself through the stream below.

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