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Pakistan Becomes Proton’s Biggest Car Export Market

Proton is expanding its international footprint, with Pakistan being its biggest export market. According to popular Malaysian news outlet Paul Tan, the automaker exported 5,028 units to international markets in November 2022 with 2,610 going to Pakistan.

Other export markets included South Africa and Brunei. Proton noted in its official statement that the Saga remains the most popular export model, with the X70 virtually doubling its sales volume to take second place and the X50’s sales tripling to take third.

Steven Xu, director of international sales at Proton, stated:

Proton’s export volume continues to grow aggressively as we enter more new markets and establish a mixture of CBU and CKD strategies depending on market conditions. Export sales is one of the pillars for our sales growth and as such, we will strive to continue to grow aggressively over the coming years and bolster our position as the leading exporter of vehicles for Malaysia.

While Proton enjoys a mammoth share in the Malaysian market, it still has a long way to go in terms of popularity in Pakistan. Recent market reports suggest that the Malaysian carmaker maybe getting there.

Al-Haj Automotive achieved an impressive milestone in October 2022 by selling over 500 units of X70. As per a report from, this is the highest sales figure since the SUV’s debut in Pakistan.

The past two years have been turbulent for Al-Haj Proton, especially due to lengthy delivery delays that were the result of COVID-19-induced logistical hurdles.

However, despite the ongoing economic turmoil in Pakistan, the recent rise in sales is indicative of Al-Haj Automotive’s rise to form.

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