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Former Fiery Pacer Believes National Stars Lack Confidence in Front of Camera

Former fiery pacer, Shoaib Akhtar believes it is vital for a sportsman to be confident and able to answer questions in front of the camera.

While speaking to the media, he stated that current Pakistani cricketers have a problem responding to questions from media personnel.

The Rawalpindi Express added that there is no superstar in the national team right now because no one is able to speak on camera.

The 47-year-old is of the view that if a sportsman lacks the courage to answer a question in front of a camera, he will definitely struggle to perform on the field.

In response to a question about recent management changes, Shoaib stated, “I was told that the majority of people were unhappy when Ramiz Raja was Chairman of PCB.”

When asked about joining the PCB management, he claimed that there is currently a lot of turbulence and instability in the PCB.

The Rawalpindi-born pacer said that it is not the right time for him to accept any responsibility in the board, particularly in the prevailing situation.

The former right-arm pacer was rumored to join the PCB as Chief Selector for the national team after the interim management period ended last month.

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