Over 100,000 Candidates to Sit For Cambridge Exams After Eid

Cambridge students from across Pakistan are presently studying for the next June 2023 exam series, which begins later this month, as per a statement released by Cambridge International on Tuesday.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of applicants take their school examinations in the June series, which is considered the largest exam series conducted by the body.

Students are diligently preparing to take their Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, and Cambridge International AS & A Level exams at over 100 authorized test centers throughout the country.

With over 330,000 subject registrations, over 100,000 applicants will sit for examinations for over 100 Cambridge O Level, IGCSE, and Cambridge International AS & A Level degrees.

The exam series will begin on 24 April, with the final exam on 19 May. Cambridge International works together with schools and partners like the British Council to guarantee that candidates prepare for and take their exams in a safe and secure setting.

The organization imposes tight restrictions to guarantee that examinations maintain their quality, integrity, and high standards and that students worldwide are treated similarly and fairly.

Cambridge qualifications are recognized and acknowledged by leading colleges and businesses worldwide, according to the statement. Notwithstanding recent challenges experienced by students, like the pandemic and socioeconomic uncertainties in the country, Cambridge International is dedicated to ensuring that students continue their studies.

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