Govt Cracks Down on Sugar Hoarders to Reduce Prices

In order to reduce sugar prices, the government plans to prosecute illegal sugar merchants and hoarders. The Special Branch is expected to play a critical role in this endeavor, along with the police and district administration, to guarantee sugar availability at a reasonable price.

The authorities are expected to send a notification soon. Following the Special Branch’s findings on sugar hoarders and smugglers, the district administration and police will formulate a strategy.

In accordance with the strategy, Dr. Usman Anwar Inspector General of Police (IGP) Punjab has directed regional police officials, city police officers, and district police officers to put an end to this unlawful activity.

Sugar prices have increased due to stockpiling and smuggling, as per the IGP. The Prime Minister has already ordered an operation against sugar stockpiling and smuggling, citing claims of profiteering.

PM Sharif additionally urged the interim chief minister (CM) of Punjab to establish a system to guarantee that sugar is sold at an affordable rate.

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