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Lahore’s Elevated Expressway To Be Completed Soon

Commissioner Muhammad Ali Randhawa stated the elevated highway and WASA tunnel boring project plans have been assessed for compatibility.

The elevated expressway will accommodate WASA project intersections. Capacity constraints will not affect the planned project designs. The elevated expressway will have space under the pillars, according to WASA.

The commissioner called the elevated expressway and WASA tunnel “city megaprojects”. In Wednesday’s discussion on suggested development projects, WASA’s elevated expressway and tunnel boring drawings were presented.

The briefing stated that the elevated road from the main boulevard Gulberg to the motorway toll plaza will be completed in 10 months. Its objective is to alleviate traffic congestion in the area, especially during rush hour. The briefing stated that WASA’s Trenchless Technology (tunnel boring) Drain runs 28 km from Larex Colony to Gulshan-e-Ravi.

WASA MD Ghafran Ahmed, Chief Engineer LDA Asrar Saeed, Director Development Javed Rashid Chauhan, and Nespak personnel briefed the meeting.

  • Bhai Larex Colony Ghari Shao may ha and Project is from Gulberg to Gulshan e Ravi… You need to Put PROPER Names of Route…. Thanks for Sharing 🙏

    • Gulberg to Babu Sabu toll plaza is elevated express way and Larex Colony to Gulshan e Ravi is tunnel drain project which is quite obviously a different project.

  • الحمداللہ رب العالمین
    جزاک اللہ خیرا کثیرا کثیرا عطا فرمائے آمین اللہ ھمہ آ مین
    انشاء اللہ جلد ہی 👍

  • Why the route of elevated express way is not shared in this brief for public information

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