Man Granted UAE Golden Visa for Planting Hundreds of Trees

Sinan Al Awsi, an Abu Dhabi resident recognized for making the emirate greener, has been granted a golden visa by President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan. 

Al Awsi gained attention for planting 209 trees in his neighborhood, becoming a social media sensation. He has been living in the UAE since 1999 and has dedicated the past seven years to greening Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Street.

President Sheikh Mohamed lauded Al Awsi’s work during a meeting and granted him a golden visa. A golden visa is a ten-year residency permit given to individuals who have made notable contributions or possess highly valued skills.

The Abu Dhabi Residents Office praised Al Awsi’s dedication to sustainability and love for nature. It described the golden visa as a recognition of his contributions and a gateway to endless opportunities for him and his family.

During their meeting, Sheikh Mohamed commended Al Awsi’s efforts and emphasized the value of all residents in the UAE’s development process.

Al Awsi expressed gratitude for the opportunity to meet the President and appreciated the recognition of his sustainable initiatives. He turned a 500-meter stretch into an urban oasis by planting over 200 trees, various shrubs, and flowers.

Al Awsi received permission from his landlord and authorities to improve the area and also received support from the Abu Dhabi Municipality. He carried out this work every Friday from 6 AM to 11:30 AM.

His positive approach has led to his nomination for the Abu Dhabi Awards, which celebrate community champions in the emirate. Al Awsi hopes that his trees will serve as a lasting legacy, inspiring future generations.

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