Sindh Govt Orders to Clear Salaries and Pensions Pending for 2 Years

Younus Dagha, the Sindh Caretaker Finance Minister, has taken decisive action to address the long-standing issue of outstanding dues for government employees. This move comes in the form of directives to clear the backlog of salaries and pensions, which have accumulated over a span of two years.

Notably, Minister Younus Dagha has gone beyond mere directives and has mandated the clearance of dues for both active and retired government employees. This initiative is expected to alleviate financial concerns and provide much-needed relief to these individuals.

In addition to rectifying the dues situation, Minister Dagha has also introduced forward-looking measures to enhance the services provided by district treasury offices. His decision to launch a dedicated mobile app is aimed at streamlining and improving the efficiency of these crucial administrative processes.

The urgency of this action becomes apparent when considering that over 20,000 retired government employees have been grappling with the consequences of delayed dues for an alarming period of three years. The financial strain caused by the non-clearance of pre-retirement salaries, pensions, commutation, and gratuity has been a pressing issue.

Acknowledging the financial constraints that have contributed to this situation, Minister Dagha revealed that the accumulated dues for government workers have escalated to a staggering Rs36 billion. This substantial figure reflects the extent of the financial crisis that has affected the timely disbursement of these crucial payments.

Furthermore, the administration has taken a stand against any instances of financial irregularities within district treasury offices. Swift action has been taken against individuals found guilty of such misconduct, underscoring the commitment to transparency and accountability.

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