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Real Reason Behind Missing Host Country Name on Asia Cup Shirts Unveiled

The mystery behind the absence of the name of the host country, Pakistan, on the shirts during the ongoing Asia Cup 2023, has finally been unraveled.

As per the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), the ACC had made a unanimous decision during the last Asia Cup not to inscribe the name of the host country or the year on the shirts.

This decision was taken after the Asia Cup 2022 when the shirts bore the inscriptions ‘Sri Lanka 2022’ and ‘UAE 2022’, with some only having the year inscribed on them.

The objective of the Asian Cricket Council was to establish continuity and uniformity in the shirts of the participating teams, thereby extending the reach of the ACC brand.

As a result of this decision, only the Asia Cup logo will be featured on the shirts without the inclusion of the name of the host country or the year.

This development caused a stir recently as fans expressed their displeasure over the absence of the name of Pakistan as the host country on the shirts.

The decision faced backlash, with fans criticizing the ACC for not including the name of Pakistan on the shirts, raising questions about the motives behind this move.

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