Roshan Digital Account Inflows Hit $6.9 Billion in October

Foreign exchange inflows through the Roshan Digital Accounts (RDAs) were recorded at $6.898 billion by the end of October 2023, according to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

According to the central bank data, till the end of October, $1.524 billion have been repatriated with $4.219 billion utilized locally. The net repatriable liability at $1.155 billion.

Courtesy: Arif Habib Limited

In October, funds received stood at $142 million, while funds of $27 million were repatriated. The funds utilized locally stood at $99 million. Meanwhile, the net repatriable liability in September was $16 million.

As per data, 629,729 RDAs have been opened since they were launched, representing a 1.9 percent increase on a monthly basis.

In October 2023, total net investments made through RDA stood at $753 million. NPC Investments (Conventional) stood at $316 million, while NPC Investments (Islamic) were recorded at $412 million. Roshan Equity Investments came in at $25 million. The Balances in Accounts were recorded at $379 million with Other Liabilities coming in at $23 million.

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