Xamarin Dev Days is Coming to Karachi

Mobile app development company Xamarin has announced this year’s Dev Days schedule after successfully organizing last year’s workshops.

About Xamarin Dev Days

Similar to hackathons, Xamarin Dev Days are day long community events that do not require any registration fee to join.

They are best for those who want to learn or are still in the process of learning about how to build native apps for iOS, Android and Windows. Apps can be developed using the Xamarin platform, C# and partnering technologies.



As part of the Dev Day, Xamarin’s own developers, their partners and local dev community members will be there to help other fellow developers and learners. It is essentially a workshop for mobile app developers both experienced and inexperienced, letting them take advantage of the knowledge and skills that the community has to offer.

Xamarin Dev Days also give you one more reason to attend. They are more than just regular workshops since it gives you the opportunity to get some hands-on experience with app development.

After a morning of learning how to build beautiful, cloud-connected mobile apps with Xamarin, you’ll get a chance to put your new knowledge into practice with hands-on labs, mini-hacks, and an opportunity to interact with your community. Xamarin experts will be there to help you get up and running, debug code, and have fun building mobile apps and experimenting with the latest mobile technology. – From Xamarin Dev Days’ Website

Xamarin to Hold Dev Day in Karachi

Dev Days are held at various locations around the world. This year Xamarin has included Karachi as one of their Dev Day locations.

Dev Day will be held in Karachi on 24th September at the Grappetite, Second floor, Arab Business Centre, Bahadurabad.

Event Schedule is as follows:

Time Session
9:00AM Registration
9:30 – 10:10AM Intro to Xamarin
10:20 – 11:00AM Xamarin Forms
11:10 – 11:50AM Xamarin + Azure
12:00 – 1:00PM Lunch
1:00 – 4:00PM Hands on Lab

You can register for the event here and as mentioned before, it’s free.

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A techie, gamer, and Senior Editor at ProPakistani.

  • this is contradicting? on one hand you announce xamarin coming to Pakistan and you show a graphic that clearly states low level apps with slow performance. but mind you they run on all platforms. I am csharp developer and games are built in unity and csharp and they run on all platforms. no disrespect to java fans.

    • We apologize for publishing wrong image, explaining the previous approach like phoneGap. Xamarin bring more reliable and native performance cross-platform mobile apps development, with the purpose not limited to be able to run Microsoft .NET applications cross-platform, but also to bring better development tools to Linux developers.

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