Exclusive: Telenor Just Unveiled its New Brand Identity

Telenor Pakistan is re-positioning its brand by unveiling new brand identity later today, we have checked.

“Consumer is evolving in this age and time of technology and so are we by spending so much energy and resources to build an ecosystem that serves the customer to meet all their digital needs. And hence there was a need to re-position our brand so it may speak the same language as our corporate strategy”, said Shariq Mustafa, Director Marketing at Telenor Pakistan, in an exclusive chat with ProPakistani.

He said that the company has invested extensively in 4G roll-out, ecosystem development of 4G handsets and then there are in-house solutions for people from all walks of life, ranging from farmers to musicians and from students to professionals.

“We wanted our brand to say the same thing, but it is impossible to come up with something that could be so wide in scope that it could reflect everything that Telenor Pakistan does as a company”, he opined while explaining the move to re-position the brand.

So instead of going with a functional shout, consciously, Telenor came up with an emotional tagline that it thinks will associate itself more with customers and it is: “Jo Har Pakistani Chahay”. This enables us to connect with our customers to answer their call of “Jo Mein Chahoon” in our journey towards becoming their favorite lifestyle partner.

“With this emotional shout, it was very important for us to understand what our customers need, what they think and how they react to certain situations and this is exactly how we — as a company — will be more associated with the customer by serving them the right digital solution”, explained Mr. Shariq.

He further said that based on detailed consumer research, Telenor Pakistan now understands customers — not as a telco — but as a person.

“We picked on their aspirations, fears, emotions and came back with all that information and sat together to determine the one insight which cuts across all socio economic classes, age-groups and genders and that is: Pakistanis just want to be the best version of themselves”, he said.

He went on to say that every Pakistan needs to be recognized for themselves and want to express who they are as individuals, regardless of their background.

Shariq said that with such insight, the brand team knew that they had something very powerful on their hands to build upon.

He said that with the experience of 12 years of empowering the Pakistani society, the team had a very clear direction in front of it, what the company — as a data solution provider — could do.

And hence, it stepped away from the race of the biggest and the best in Pakistan but rather focused its energies on empowering every customer and every Pakistani.

The Director of Marketing imagines of a society where every individual is recognized for their individuality and is empowered to shine and bring their inner talent to the forefront.

He said that with Telenor’s digital solutions in hands, every Pakistani has the opportunity to be the best versions of themselves.

“If every Pakistani was empowered to shine as an individual, we believe Pakistan would be a better place, and that is the new Telenor Pakistan Mission: Jo Har Pakistani Chahe”, he concluded.

Check below brand TVC for Telenor – Jo Har Pakistani Chahe


Telenor unveiled its new brand identity to employees at an internal event in Islamabad, you can check below the video from the event:

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