Telenor Revenues Grow by 7% in Q3 2017

Telenor Pakistan just reported its quarterly revenue of Rs. 25.71 billion for the period ending September 30th, 2017, up 7% from Rs. 24.01 billion it reported during the same period last year.

Not to mention, Q3 2016 revenues are revised to exclude Easypaisa’s revenues — which is now part of Telenor Bank and not Telenor Pakistan.

Telenor said that its increased revenues were mainly due to continued subscription growth and improved data revenues.

The telco said that its subscriptions, 40.71 million at the end of Q3 2017, are up from 38.23 million by the end of September last year.

Telenor Pakistan has said that its cost efficiency program has started to pay off as the CAPEX stood notably low at just Rs. 2.62 billion to yield record profits for the company in a single quarter.

Telenor’s main spend during the reported quarter was towards 4G expansion that reaches hundred plus cities and towns now.

Average revenue per user (ARPU) for prepaid users on Telenor network stood at Rs. 213 per user month, while ARPU for postpaid users remained Rs. 531 per user per month.

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