Pakistan Welcomes China’s New Data Security Initiative

Pakistan has hailed China’s Global Initiative on Data Security, maintaining that an impartial and reliable Information and Communications Technology (ICT) regime is essential to ensure socio-economic progress.

During the weekly press briefing, Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry said that the initiative launched by China holds significance in the context of rapid progress in ICT across the world, increasing reliance on digitization, data, and information networks.

The Global Initiative on Data Security is, therefore, both relevant and timely. The move advocates a comprehensive approach towards data security and addresses several key issues that are being extensively deliberated at the United Nations and other multilateral fora, and on which the norm-building process is currently underway.


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Zahid Hafeez said that Pakistan deems international cooperation necessary for an open, secure, and peaceful environment in cyberspace and ICT. The country underscores the need for a balanced approach to technological advancements, economic growth, and national security interests.

With a population of over 200 million people and a flourishing digital landscape marked by a growing number of online users, Pakistan attaches immense importance to leveraging digital technologies for enabling socio-economic development and facilitating more effective and efficient governance and public service delivery.


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The spokesperson called for international cooperation in cybersecurity, adding that Pakistan is ready to play its role in bridging the digital divide.

The official also added that all countries should have an equal role in the development of rules governing the digital economy and security of ICT and cyberspace.

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