Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have expressed the commitment to strengthen bilateral cooperation in all areas of mutual interest.

His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Chairman of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, made a telephone call to Prime Minister Imran Khan, today.

The Prime Minister conveyed warm sentiments for the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, and the fraternal Saudi people.

HRH Prince Sultan conveyed condolences over the sad demise of Dr. Naeem Ghani, the late Chairman of Sultana Foundation. Prime Minister Imran Khan also condoled the demise of Dr. Naeem Ghani and lauded his selfless devotion to the Foundation throughout his lifetime.

The Prime Minister appreciated the social welfare and educational projects of the Sultana Foundation in Pakistan, patronized by Prince Sultan. He also praised the Foundation’s philanthropic ideology, which is aimed at socioeconomic welfare of the vulnerable segment of society.

The Prime Minister assured support and cooperation for the Foundation in pursuit of its noble mission.

The Prime Minister and His Royal Highness also reaffirmed longstanding, and time-tested ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.


  • Saudi’s are traitors, they were the reason the Ottoman Empire collapsed.

    • I think you’ve got your facts mixed up. At least the Saud protected The Holy Lands of Mecca and Madinah better than some of those deviant sufis in the ottoman

      • Being the protector of Mecca and Madinah doesn’t make the Saudis great. Ever since the death of Shah Faisal, Saudi Arab is becoming more intolerant to its Muslims countries, they have given up on the Kashmir as well as Palestinian cause. Now they(MBS not Shah Salman. The king holds no power himself. He is just a pawn) are becoming anti turkey because of MBS’s interests. MBS killed Kashoggi. They funded rebels in Libya. They placed a blockade on Qatar. There are million more events I can write but in the end Saudi Arab is not the leader of the Ummah and is not even worth of that position.

    • Dude, the Saud family, Egyptian Dictators and Irani Autocracy all need to go. But then what does it matter, they are all supported by the west who want to consume their oil till its finished.

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