Protect Your Kids from Harmful Internet Content

Prime Minister Imran Khan, in a meeting recently, discussed ways to curb online pornographic content in Pakistan. Internet is a boon, but also a bane when it comes to misleading content.

Kids are influenced easily and our youth makes up the majority of our population. These harmful websites are a rising threat to our younger generation.

Nayatel always aims to roll out products that solve their users’ problems in an effective way. Nayatel’s Safeweb service is a fast and easy way to block any harmful website with a click of a button.

Its database of malicious, pornographic, and violent websites stops the youth from falling into the trap and the best part about it is that this database is continuously updated.

Nayatel Safe Web allows you to create your own blacklists and whitelists of websites, and makes sure that your online browsing experience is always safe. Parents can also be stress-free and their kids can use their mobile gadgets liberally.

The subscription process is also really easy for Safe Web. All you need to do is, go to Nayatel’s Customer Portal, click on Additional Service Request, and then subscribe to our Safe Web service.

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