Farmers Under Pressure As Fertilizer Prices Increase Significantly

Farmers have been facing serious issues in purchasing fertilizers as significant hikes in the prices of eight varieties have been witnessed so far.

According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), the prices of potassium sulfate have surged by 170 percent, from Rs. 4,946 per bag to Rs. 12,816 per bag. The prices of diammonium sulfate have also increased from Rs. 5,584 per bag to Rs. 11,425, registering an increase of 104 percent.

Similarly, the prices of Nitro Phosphate have also increased from Rs. 3,936 to Rs. 7,668 per bag (94 percent).

Single Superphosphate (SSP) prices have also doubled from Rs. 1,449 to Rs. 2,823, while Nitro Phosphate (NP) prices have surged from Rs. 3,876 to Rs. 7,225 per bag, as per PBS. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) prices have hiked to Rs. 2,012 from Rs. 1,579 per bag.

Some urea prices have increased from Rs. 1,746 to Rs. 2,337 per bag, whereas some varieties of urea are available in the market for as much as Rs. 2,172 per bag.

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