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Prince-DFSK Reduces Car Prices for a Limited Time

Regal Automobiles has announced a significant reduction in the prices of DFSK Glory 580 Pro and Prince Pearl. The development comes shortly after Kia reduced the prices of all Sportage models.

The new prices will be as follows:

Models Old Prices (Rs.) Discounted Prices (Rs.) Difference (Rs.)
DFSK Glory 580 Pro 6,100,000 5,800,000 300,000
DFSK Pearl 1,749,000 1,499,000 250,000

It is worth noting that Regal Automobiles has not disclosed any expiry date for its limited-time offer.

Immediately after the local currency gained value against the USD in August, Regal Motors reduced the prices of its cars by up to Rs. 500,000. Interestingly, this step also coincided with the government’s decision to lift the import ban.

Although, due to the ongoing economic turmoil, Regal Automobiles, much like other car companies has become less active. Earlier this year, it was revealed that the company had imported two crossover SUVs to Pakistan for testing purposes. The SUVs were SERES S3 EV and DFSK Glory 500.

Right now, there is no word regarding their launch in Pakistan, however, it is likely that the company is waiting for the economic chaos to settle before introducing a new product.

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