Fees in Different Colleges in Punjab to Decrease After Losing Autonomous Status

At the request of teachers, Punjab’s Higher Education Department (HED) revoked the autonomous status of 18 colleges all over the province. Resultantly, these colleges will now receive funding from the government, similar to other public colleges.

In the year 2000, colleges located in various districts, including Lahore, were granted autonomy and their funding was suspended. After receiving autonomous status, these colleges were instructed to generate their own financial resources in order to operate their institutions.

In order to generate funds for smooth operations, the autonomous colleges had increased the tuition fees and other educational expenses significantly, creating difficulties for parents and students.

However, in response to the decision made by the provincial cabinet, a notice has been issued, stating that the autonomy of 18 colleges has been abolished.

In a separate development, the Punjab government is reportedly one step away from regularizing thousands of teachers working in schools and colleges across the province on a contractual basis.

A Special Ministerial Committee formed by the provincial government recently approved the recommendation of regularizing 14,055 contract teachers of government-run schools and colleges. The only thing that is now left is the approval of the provincial cabinet.

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