US Embassy Delegation Visits FBR to Discuss New Taxes on Beverages

A US Embassy delegation led by Commercial Counselor Aaron Fishman and representatives of the multi-national beverage companies visited the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and met Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Revenue Tariq Mahmood Pasha and FBR Chairman Asim Ahmad in Islamabad today.

The FBR chairman highlighted the areas of cooperation between the US and Pakistan in terms of trade and business facilitation.


The delegation discussed the new tax provisions for the beverage industry. The SAPM and FBR chairman assured the representatives of the companies that their genuine concerns will be addressed on priority. SAPM also appreciated the US engagement with Pakistan in the economic, financial, and revenue areas and vowed to further strengthen the ongoing cooperation.

The meeting was also attended by the Member Inland Revenue – Policy.

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