Pakistan’s Mobile Imports Down 71% in First 9 Months of FY23

The country imported mobile phones worth $462.701 million during the first nine months (July-March) of the current fiscal year 2022-23, decreasing by 71.01 percent when compared to $1.596 billion during the same period of last year.

Pakistan’s mobile phone imports declined by 55.09 percent on a month-on-month (MoM) basis in March 2023 and stood at $14.846 million compared to imports of $33.054 million in February 2023, according to data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).

Mobile phone imports registered 91.93 percent negative growth on a year-on-year (YoY) basis in March 2023 when compared to $183.894 million in March 2022.

The overall telecom imports into the country stood at $744.910 million during July-March 2023 and registered 65.14 percent negative growth compared to $2.137 billion during the same period of last fiscal year.

On a YoY basis, the overall telecom imports registered a negative growth of 86.51 percent and stood at $36.112 million in March 2023 compared to $267.705 million in March 2022. On an MoM basis, the overall telecom imports registered 44.22 percent negative growth in March 2023 compared to $64.741 million during February 2023.

Other apparatus imports stood at $282.210 million in July-March fiscal year 2023 and registered 47.81 percent negative growth compared to $540.778 million during the same period of the last fiscal year.

On a year-on-year basis, other apparatus imports stood at $21.266 million in March 2023 and registered 74.63 percent negative growth compared to $83.811 million in March 2022 and registered 32.89 percent growth on MoM basis compared to $31.687 million in February 2023.

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