Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Help Pakistan Introduce Next Generation of Digital Payments

The CEO of the Global Growth & Opportunity Division, Bill & Melinda Gates (BMG) Foundation, Mr. Mark Suzman, met the Federal Minister for Finance, Revenue, and Economic Affairs, Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the WB/IMF.

Building on previous discussions in Pakistan, the meeting centered on Pakistan Digital Stack i.e. next generation of Raast-supported Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) which Pakistan can introduce with BMG Foundation’s help.

The meeting was followed by a signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan with BMGF on the Pakistan Digital Stack.

This MoU solidifies the Foundation’s continued support for this digital infrastructure project, following the success of the Raast – Pakistan Instant Payment System.

The National Financial Inclusion Council, chaired by the Finance Minister, will oversee the implementation of the Digital Pakistan Stack, marking a significant step toward fostering inclusive economic growth and development in Pakistan.

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