ISPs Urge Setting Up Internet Exchanges For Data Security in Pakistan

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) recently convened at the annual conference of the Wireless & Internet Service Providers Association of Pakistan ( in Islamabad to address the pressing issues plaguing the industry, with a primary focus on the establishment of internet exchanges for data security.

Key figures in the industry, including Founder Chairman of WISPAP Shahzad Arshad, emphasized the pivotal role of internet exchanges in ensuring the country’s data security. Arshad expressed concern over the current state of the industry and highlighted the need for active participation from the entire Internet service community, especially in providing services to remote areas.

During the meeting, the organization outlined a comprehensive plan to bring internet access to every corner of the country. The plan involves the establishment of Internet Exchanges and addressing the challenges faced by ISPs. The organization aims to leverage resources and collaborate with the Ministry of Information Technology to achieve these goals.

Shahzad Arshad, acting chairman of the Organization for Wireless and Internet Service Providers, explained the significance of Internet Exchanges by citing examples from countries like India. These exchanges facilitate ISPs in providing unlimited access to local traffic without the burden of foreign exchange costs.

The WISPAP Chairman reiterated the organization’s mission to play a key role in securing basic rights for those connected to the internet industry, emphasizing the need to resolve the industry’s problems promptly. Ahmed expressed concerns over the possible loss of employment for thousands of families if the industry’s issues remain unaddressed.

Furqan Naveed Ahmed, Project Director of WISPAP, warned that the sector is currently in crisis due to unresolved issues, risking the livelihoods of countless families. He warned that the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority’s reluctance to renew fundamental licenses poses a severe threat to the industry, potentially leading to the loss of livelihoods for millions.

Founding Director Shoaib Ahmed Khan lamented that the bread and butter of hundreds of families is linked to the industry.

The meeting, attended by CEOs from various ISPs, highlighted the urgent need to resolve industry issues for the well-being of millions of households relying on internet-related employment. Despite the challenges, the gathering showcased a united front from the Internet services community.

  • this is just an excuse, they will come after the freelancers who are not registered and use this tool to further suppress the free speech in country.

  • this is just an excuse, they will come after the freelancers who are not registered and will also use this tool to further suppress the free speech in the country.

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