Pakistan’s IT Delegation Returns After Successful Visit to Qatar

The IT delegation led by Caretaker Minister for IT and Telecom Dr Umar Saif has returned to Pakistan after a successful four day visit to Qatar.

During the visit, the minister had important meetings with Qatari officials, business groups, academia, and IT professionals. He said that Pakistani IT professionals and companies can play an important role in Qatar’s digitization. Registered Pakistani IT companies will provide professional services in Qatar, he added.

The Pakistan-Qatar IT Conference commenced at the JW Marriott Marquis City Center in Doha, Qatar, drawing active participation from prominent Pakistani IT firms.

Dr Saif held a meeting with CEO of Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) Mansoor Ebrahim Al-Mahmoud in Qatar. They discussed opportunities and mutual collaborations across various sectors during the meeting. The minister encouraged investments in Pakistani startups during the Qatar IT conference.

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