UAE Trade Minister Enjoys Snowfall in Murree

The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Trade Minister Thani bin Ahmed and the caretaker Minister of Commerce Gohar Ejaz recently visited Murree.

Thani bin Ahmed was seen capturing moments against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains in the picturesque location.

“Hosted UAE’s Trade Minister, H.E. Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, for a working lunch at the scenic Murree today,” Ijaz wrote on his Twitter.

He expressed his optimism that this visit will unlock exciting economic opportunities for both nations. The caretaker Minister also shared pictures with the UAE’s Trade Minister.

According to the government officials, Dr. Thani bin Ahmed was all praise for the beauty of Murree. Gohar Ejaz highlighted Pakistan’s exceptional beauty, adding that it ranks among the world’s most stunning countries.

Murree continues to experience snowfall, attracting a large number of tourists from across the country. The district administration has once again decided to restrict the entry of more tourists, citing a surge in visitor numbers as the reason for this decision.

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