Utility Stores Corporation Seeks Historic Rs. 85 Billion PM Relief Package in Upcoming Budget

The Utility Stores Corporation (USC) has proposed a Rs. 85 billion subsidy in the upcoming federal budget 2024-25, the biggest-ever Prime Minister’s Relief Package if approved, sources informed ProPakistani.

Sources said USC has sought Rs. 12 billion for next year’s Ramadan Relief Package, with Rs. 73 billion earmarked for the remaining 11 months of FY25. This equates to an average monthly expenditure of Rs. 6.64 billion in subsidy.

Sources remarked that it is highly unlikely that USC will receive the full amount. The Finance Division will finalize and confirm the agreeable limit of funding for the state-run outlets.

It is worth mentioning that the USC proposal includes continuing subsidies on five basic items: sugar, flour, ghee, pulses, and rice. These subsidies will primarily target registered individuals on the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP).

The current relief package, which ends on June 30, 2024, offers BISP customers sugar at Rs. 109 per kg, flour at Rs. 648 per 10 kg, and ghee at Rs. 393 per kg.

Additionally, BISP customers receive a subsidy of Rs 25 per kg for pulses and rice.

  • Never received a subsidized price from any UTSC store in my city. Essential comedies etc. Aata, Rice, Oil and Sugar were always out of stock. Possibly sold to black market mafias:( and I believe that’s the story of more than 80% to 90% stores across the country.

    In my personal opinion there is no need of this corrupt and evil corporation feeding directly on our tax money. It should be abolished, and subsidy should be given directly by controlling price surge on Essential Items.

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