Chinese Scientists Discover Cure for Diabetes

In a major medical breakthrough, Chinese scientists have cured a patient’s diabetes with innovative cell therapy.

This revolutionary therapy, highlighted in the journal Cell Discovery on April 30, emerged from a joint effort between Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, the Centre for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Renji Hospital.

According to a report from the South China Morning Post, the patient received the cell transplant in July 2021, and remarkably, within eleven weeks, he was no longer dependent on external insulin.

Over the following year, he progressively reduced and ultimately stopped taking oral medication for blood sugar control. One of the lead researchers said that “follow-up examinations showed that the patient’s pancreatic islet function was effectively restored.”

Timothy Kieffer, a professor at the University of British Columbia, has commended the research, which has seen the patient insulin-free for 33 months.

Kieffer said that he thinks “this study represents an important advance in the field of cell therapy for diabetes.”

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  • Why does pro pakistan always peddle fake news ?

    According to SCMP ? plz ask your staff this khattak guy to learn how science works. You can’t cure diabetes. It’s your body resistance to insulin.

    Why peddle a claim that’s not proven?

    I ll tell you how science works.
    When a research is real , it’s published in nature or science magazine. It’s peer reviewed by other scientists to check if it’s actual or fake. If peer review is correct then that research or breakthrough is accepted.

    Otherwise rejected.

    Peddling fake news is wrong and journalists should be told to answer on this.

    This is why Govt places laws limiting journalists as you guys print anything.

    Khattak I urge you to either stick to what you know or get some education on how science works.

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