IT Ministry Prepares Draft of New Digital Pakistan Policy

The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom (MoIT&T) has drafted a new Digital Pakistan Policy, aiming to update the 2018 framework to reflect the latest technological advancements.

Sources in the Ministry of IT told ProPakistani that the updated policy, named Digital Pakistan Policy 2024, is designed to address the rapid changes in the digital landscape and leverage emerging technologies to drive national progress.

The initial policy, introduced in 2018, was a significant step towards digital transformation in Pakistan. However, in the six years since its implementation, the technological environment has evolved dramatically, necessitating a comprehensive overhaul.

Key advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and 5G technology have become integral to modern digital ecosystems, and the new policy seeks to incorporate these innovations to better serve Pakistan’s digital ambitions.

The formulation of the Digital Pakistan Policy 2024 has been a collaborative effort, involving extensive consultations with a wide range of stakeholders. According to ministry officials, multiple rounds of discussions have been held to gather input and feedback from industry experts, technology companies, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. This approach aims to ensure that the policy is robust, relevant, and aligned with the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.

“The new policy aims to create a comprehensive framework for a digitally transformed Pakistan,” a ministry source revealed. “By integrating cutting-edge technologies and fostering a conducive environment for digital innovation, we hope to enhance economic growth, improve public services, and position Pakistan as a competitive player in the global digital economy.”

Key features of the new policy are expected to include strategies for the widespread adoption of AI and machine learning across various sectors, the implementation of blockchain for secure and transparent transactions, and the deployment of 5G networks to boost connectivity and support the Internet of Things (IoT). Additionally, the policy will focus on digital skills development, cybersecurity measures, and the promotion of digital entrepreneurship.

As the ministry finalizes the draft, further consultations are expected to refine the policy details. The Digital Pakistan Policy 2024 is anticipated to be formally unveiled later this year.

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