Govt Set to Allocate Close to Rs. 9 Billion for Healthcare Projects in Upcoming Budget

The federal government is set to include over 60 projects of the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination in the upcoming budget.

According to details, the 62 health-related projects of the ministry will have a total allocation of Rs. 8.91 billion.

Out of the total projects, 32 are ongoing projects while the rest are new initiatives. Ongoing projects will likely get an allocation of Rs. 5.56 billion while Rs. 3.35 billion will be set aside for new projects.

The ministry has proposed an allocation of Rs. 200 million for the construction of four basic health units in the federal capital. The ministry has also proposed allocating funds for the prevention and control of diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS.

Other projects include the upgradation of hospitals and healthcare facilities, the purchase of medical equipment, and the establishment of new health centers.

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