New Budget Will Protect Salaried Class: Minister of State

The upcoming budget will protect the salaried class, particularly those in the lower income bracket, Minister of State for Finance & Revenue and Power Division Ali Pervaiz Malik told a private news channel on Sunday.

He said the federal government’s priority is to support the middle and lower classes next fiscal year and efforts will be made to reduce the tax burden on these groups.

Malik pointed out the planned exemption from power tax for those using less than 200 units of electricity, and elsewhere the increased allocation of aid under the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) to the less fortunate.

He also said the federal government plans to enhance tax collection next fiscal year.

The minister said there will be a crackdown on tax evasion and severe penalties for non-compliance, while measures will be taken to prevent individuals from becoming non-filers after a single transaction.

The minister also urged all provinces to take responsibility for revenue collection and expenditure reduction. He noted that the federal government currently bears the majority of expenditures, making provincial contributions essential.

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