Reko Diq Mining Company Installs 3rd RO Plant in Chagai District

The Reko Diq Mining Company (RDMC) has inaugurated a new reverse osmosis (RO) plant in Nok Chah village, Chagai district, to provide potable water to local communities.

This is the third RO plant established by RDMC in the district, with the first two located in the villages of Humai and Mashki Chah.

The new RO plant in Nok Chah uses advanced technology to produce 5,000 gallons of clean drinking water daily. Before its installation, local water wells had total dissolved solids (TDS) levels exceeding 5,200, making the water unsafe for consumption.

The new RO plants have reduced TDS levels to a safe range of 200 to 230, meeting health standards for human consumption.

Previously, residents of Nok Chah village and nearby areas struggled to access potable water and had to use water with unsafe TDS levels. The new RO plant is expected to help alleviate most of these problems for the locals.

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