Concave AGRI and JazzCash Join Forces to Empower Farmers Across Pakistan

Pakistan’s largest fintech platform, JazzCash, and Concave AGRI, a pioneer in agricultural services and solutions, have come together in a strategic collaboration aimed at revolutionizing financial services for farmers across Pakistan.

JazzCash is the frontrunner in Pakistan’s fintech industry with an impressive track 44 million registered users. The platform hosts 245,000 agents, and over 300,000 merchants. JazzCash offers a diverse range of branchless banking services catering to the needs of its customers and merchants including money transfers, bill payments, savings, loans, and insurance.

Concave AGRI, on the other hand, is dedicated to transforming the agricultural landscape in Pakistan. Offering a comprehensive suite of services including advisory systems, weather updates, marketplaces for agricultural inputs and outputs, and personalized solutions for irrigation, Concave AGRI has emerged as a trusted ally for farmers nationwide.

Through this collaboration, Concave AGRI will extend its expertise to farmers through advisory services, technology deployment, field training, and an extensive network of retailers. Leveraging its strong presence in the agricultural sector, Concave AGRI aims to empower farmers, particularly female farmers, by facilitating access to financial services.

As a part of this partnership, JazzCash will utilize Concave AGRI’s network to offer a wide range of financial services to farmers including crop insurance and savings. This collaboration is expected to enhance the awareness and adoption of JazzCash’s products among farmers while enabling the farming community with reliable financial solutions.

A special aspect of this collaboration is Concave AGRI’s commitment to facilitating access to JazzCash’s services for female farmers in different parts of the country, starting with Gilgit Baltistan, KP, and Punjab. Through its partner network, Concave AGRI will organize training for female farmers on various financial services offered by JazzCash, ensuring inclusivity and empowerment.

Muhammad Ali Iqbal, President of Concave AGRI, expressed his optimism regarding the collaboration, stating: “I am hopeful that this partnership will empower the farming community, providing them with the tools and resources needed to thrive. By leveraging JazzCash’s robust financial services and our extensive agricultural expertise, we aim to transform the lives of farmers across Pakistan, particularly female farmers in regions like Gilgit Baltistan, KP, Sindh and Punjab. This initiative will ensure they have the financial support and knowledge necessary to succeed.”

“Women’s valuable contributions in the agricultural sector often go unnoticed despite being an integral part of the backbone of Pakistan’s economy. Recognizing this critical intersection of gender and agriculture is crucial to achieving true gender equality,” said Murtaza Ali, Head of JazzCash. “In collaboration with Concave AGRI, our goal is to improve women’s access to financial resources and bridge the technology gap.”

This collaboration between JazzCash and Concave AGRI underscores their shared commitment to driving financial inclusion and empowerment in Pakistan’s agricultural sector. As both companies continue to innovate and expand their reach, farmers across the country can look forward to enhanced access to financial services and a brighter future.

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