Foreign Investors Repatriate $1.8 Billion Profit in 11 Months of FY24

The repatriation of profit and dividends by foreign investors surged to $1.81 billion in 11MFY24, up 477 percent from $313.09 million reported in the same period of the previous fiscal year.

According to the latest data issued by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), foreign companies repatriated $1.7 billion worth of profit against the foreign direct investments (FDI) in 11MFY24 compared to $257.2 million in the same period of FY23, an increase of 560 percent.

The outflow as payment against portfolio investment stood at $106 million in 11MFY24 compared to $55.9 million in 11MFY23, an increase of 89.58 percent.

In May 2024, the repatriation of profits and dividends by foreign firms stood at $918 million.

This outflow in May is attributed to the central bank permitting foreign companies to repatriate profits and dividends.

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