Pakistan Railways Suspends Several Guards for Taking Bribes From Passengers

Pakistan Railways took decisive action on Thursday by suspending nine guards allegedly involved in corruption, including accepting bribes from passengers for seat accommodations.

The move came after an audio recording surfaced, capturing a railway guard in the act of taking bribes from a passenger, sparking widespread controversy.

The Senior General Manager of Pakistan Railways promptly responded to the incident, initiating an investigation and suspending the guards and ticket checkers implicated in the scandal.

As a result of the investigation, nine guards from the traffic and commercial staff of Multan Division were suspended.

Among those suspended is Mansoor Safri, accused of facilitating passengers traveling without tickets from Lahore to Bahawalpur in exchange for bribes. Safri, stationed on the Tezgam train, reportedly accepted bribes to allow passengers into AC class upon the request of another guard named Shahid.

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