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People’s Bus Service is Launching in Another City in Sindh

The Sindh government is set to launch the Peoples Bus Service in Nawabshah next week. This announcement was made by Sindh Senior Minister for Transport, Information, Excise, Taxation, and Narcotics Control Sharjeel Inam Memon.

Memon highlighted that the Peoples Bus Service has already seen successful operations in Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkur, and Larkana.

He also revealed plans to introduce two new routes for the service in Karachi: one from Hawkes Bay to Merewether Town and another 36-kilometer route from Saadi Town to Merewether Tower.

Memon stated that the number of female-only pink buses has increased on various routes in Karachi, following directives from Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader Faryal Talpur. He also noted that Pakistan’s first electric bus service was launched in Karachi, with plans to bring in more electric buses to further ease commuting.

The minister expressed pride that the federal finance minister announced the nationwide expansion of the pink bus service during the presentation of the new federal budget. He credited the PPP for being the first to envision such a service.

Moreover, Memon urged Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to honor his promise to provide the Sindh government with 150 passenger buses.

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