Here’s How You Can Report a Problem on Uber

Taking an Uber is an easy, smooth experience compared to taking a regular taxi or using public transport. There’s no ambiguity about the final price, you can go cash-less if you want, and you don’t have to walk around to look for a taxi.

Most Uber rides happen without any problems for either the passenger or the driver. In the event that you have questions, concerns, or other issues, Uber customer service is there to help.

Unfortunately, Uber does not have a helpline that you can call. This often confuses a lot of people as we’re used to calling customer service to get our complaints heard.

Nothing to worry about though, as there are still other ways of contacting customer support for Uber.

Here’s a quick guide on how you can report a problem from the Uber app.

  1.  Open up the Uber app on your phone and tap on the hamburger menu on the top left corner.

  2. Select “Help” from the list. Here you’ll see a bunch of options based on what you need help with. For example, if you need help the last trip you took with Uber, then just tap on it and it’ll take you “Trip Details”.

  3. Here you’ll see the details of your trip including your pick up/drop off point, ride fare, etc. Scroll down from there and choose the option that best describes your issue. (you can also get a detailed breakdown for your trip fare if you tap on “Receipt”)

What’s Next?

From here it’s pretty easy. The app will guide you through your selected option and you just have to fill in the required information for the report.

Customer service will then contact you shortly and in most cases, resolve your issue.

Other Options

If you need help with anything else, you can go back to “Help” and scroll all the way down. Here you can access your account and payment options, view all your past trips, get a guide to Uber, etc.

Under “Account and Payment Options” you can get pointers on how to change your account preferences, how to access and customize your payment options, how to use promos and credits etc.

Or, if you simply want a walkthrough on how to use Uber, just head to “A Guide to Uber”. Here you’ll learn how to use all the main functions of the app such as requesting/taking a ride, payments, profiles, etc.

We hope this guide was helpful. Whether you’re in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, or any other city where Uber operates, the above methods are at your disposal at all times as an Uber passenger.

  • Complaint About :
    High Fares
    Not Available at Far Areas (Specially Orangi Town)
    Iski Complain Ka Kiya Kare

  • uber has better customer service when it comes to complaint handling, careem won’t even listen to you.

    • EasyPaisa is a rugged, tested service of Norwegian Telenor. If you had a negative observation please visit your nearest CS of Fart Free Telenor, and they’ll give you a credit of overcharging if applicable. Its not a Gathia, Gutka shop, and they really help. You have the right to CS but you may visit the CS to resolve the

  • Uber is blessing for Karachi subject to the company adhere the CSR principal to Karachi rides. In view of the majority rides obtained are not compliant to digital manners for booking ride as people with disabilities, geriatric, seniors, patients, emergency patient for the ER in hospitals. It is very essential to launch a campaign for a room in Uber for class room by appointment with Uber with the help of Audio-Visuals class room coaching session, Q/A session etc. will help many. Uber Taxi is capable to provide a ride for patient on the front left seat which could recline. The front recline seat can rotate and patient can disembark by rotating the patient swivel mechanism to dis-embark.

  • Haven’t read any of above comments but would like to contribute. Uber help is pathetic. when you complain they say they dont have local support but when driver does they are apparently there in lahore to ensure captain satifiscation. While my account of incident is very long and dont want to bore you but believe me they are pathetic.

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